Thursday, January 31, 2008
Current Beer Snap Shot
3L bottle of Double Bastard 07
Full Sail Imperial Porter
Stone Ruination IPA
Stone Smoked Porter
Stone 11th anniversary Ale
Stone Vertical Epic 07
Silver City Brewery Fat Scottish Ale (formerly Fat Bastard)
Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout
Dogfish Head 120minute IPA
Dogfish Head Raison D 'Etre
Hair Of The Dog Fred
Brew Munkey Beer
Mocha Double Cherry Stout
Tard Munkey
Mocha Cherry Stout
Deschutes, The Abyss is in!
I'll be reviewing it shortly, stay tuned.
New levels of awesomeness
I had to share my recent experience with the plumber my landlords were forced to hire by the house owner. Background info: The drain in my basement fails, spews water everywhere further aggravated by the main sump pump failing. Below is the dialog from the 8th trip the plumber made to fix the same problems...
My conversation with Mr. Royal Imperial Fail Stick:
Me "the pump is leaking out the cover because not all the screws are there."
Him "Oh no that’s not it, well it leaked because there was suds in the water… "
Me "So the missing screws have nothing to do with it leaking?"
Him "I'll take care of it Monday."
Me "I'll just put a couple screws in it and see what happens, we probably have a couple in the garage."
Him "NO, I'll take care of it Monday."
Me "That will be the 9th time you've been here to fix that problem."
Him "Well then 9th time's a charm, I'll be back Monday."
Me "No you won't because you do not have permission to enter if nobody is home."
Him "I'm coming to fix it Monday."
Me "I will talk to my roommates tonight and let the landlord know when somebody will be home."
Landlord "Good plan, you have my #. Let me know, I can show up too if you want."
Me "Great, I'll give you a call tomorrow."
Him "So what time Monday?"
Me "The landlord will call you."
It goes on… They finally leave, I'm getting ready to head back to work when someone knocks on the door again. I open the door:
Him "My trailer hitch hit your car."
Me - walk over to see my license plate bent and on the ground…
Him - grabs my plate and starts to bend it back
Me "Please give me my license plate."
Him "I'm trying to fix it."
Me "You’ve done enough fixing for today." I grab my license plate from him.
Him - tries to grab it back.
Me "back off, this is my car." I inspect for damage, nothing much just a couple of scrapes but the plate and mounting bracket are toast.
Me "I'm going to handle it, just go away. Now."
Him "I've got a screw driver, we can fix it. Let me fix it I don't like making people upset."
Me "Too late." I walk back into the house. He heads over to the landlords car.
Munkey_1's response:
New levels of awesomeness have been achieved here! Please refer to all previous awesomeness as mearly "interesting".The current level shall be reserved forever as the new AWESOMENESS standard, never to be achieved again.
Trader Joe's Vintage Ale
Its a Belgian/Abby Dubbel ale. Its a little on the sweet side but balanced well with the high level of carbonation. Light hops and fruit smells with a medium full body round out the first taste. Thick head, dies down to about half an inch, more of the malt flavor comes out as you drink more. There's also some kind of spice almost like coriander that is starting to be tasted.
Nothing out of this world, just a good solid Belgian style beer. I would recommend getting yourself a bottle, I plan to get another one soon.
The Rogue Hero
I was there at the Rogue Hero on Friday night having a beer and watching The Collected. Good times. They have a few beers on tap, of which the following I had:
Elysian Immortal IPA
Elysian Perseus Porter
Rogue Dead Guy Ale
The Immortal was pretty damn good for an IPA. Nice carmel color, good bitterness, and wasn't excessively dry hopped.
The Perseus Porter was good too, but not a good chaser to the IPA. It wasn't all too sweet and lacked that husk/grit mouthfeel some porters get (which is good). Very dark color and followed the style well. Wasn't excessively thick and drank easily. Since I had the IPA first, it was hard to taste the hops. I wonder what would happen if I mixed the two....
The Dead Guy was a very good finishing beer. Little sweet, little bitter, good ale. I believe it is dry hopped as it has a fresh hop taste and leaves a thick feeling on the palet. Still a favorite of mine but I can't drink more than two in a row. I actually had a chance to go to the Rogue Pub in Newport Oregon, its good there too!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Redhook Winter Hook
Whenever I go out, I always seem to find the Redhook beers. ESB, Blackhook, Longhammer, Winterhook. Its pretty drinkable, very clear and filtered. Would make sense since its owned by Anheuser-Busch. Scroll to the bottom if you don't believe me: . Meh, back to the beer.... Its got hops, a little bit of spicy, its a winter ale after all. You really can't go wrong. Actually, someone brought it over for my birthday party 2 weeks ago and it was in my fridge, so don't go thinking that I go out and buy this stuff. Don't get me wrong about that though, its actually not bad, especially for an Anheuser beer!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Dogfish Head: 90 Minute Imperial IPA
Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA
Its imperial. 9% Abv, dry hopped. At 90 IBU's, I've had beers with more hop for sure. Am I immune? It must have a finish gravity of at least 1.015 as its very thick on the palate. Honey citrus, but not a whole lot of emphysis on the hop. I don't feel as if I could drink more than a couple of glasses or could I? This beer has me perplexed. As this is my only glass, I suspect I'll have to give another review at a later time. Mayhaps it could have been my choice of dinner. Citrus stir fry.
Shameless Plug
Check us out:
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout
Poured jet black, has to be the darkest stout I've ever seen! Imagine pouring a black hole into a glass and you get the idea. Medium head that dissipated quickly, intense lacing on the glass. Deep malty, chocolate, coffee smell. First sip is very sweet, almost too sweet. Its immediately apparent that this is a big beer that must have had a very high SG and the residual sweetness makes me think the FG was fairly high. Very full bodied, not chewy but velvety I liked that about it. Next sip I start tasting the malts and chocolate with a coffee aftertaste. Put it down and came back to it 15 min later - The flavors have blended a little more and the alcohol sweetness has taken a backseat, this beer is better when served at about 50-55*F.
Interesting beer, definitely worth trying and I'm looking forward to drinking the other one I bought when the mood strikes me. However, not something I will go out of my way to get again.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Rogue: Shakespeare Stout
Well, after drinking the last one, I finished the last of my fiance's stout. Her comment, "I like it because itsn't try to be something other than a stout. Its not trying to be too oatmealy, its not trying to be too chocolaty, its balanced, and delicious. With just enough hops to make it interesting." I guess I'll end it there. I have nothing more to add to that! Ha!
Hair of the Dog: Fred

Oh Fred. You are a golden special ale (as so noted on the label). They say it has 10 varieties of hops and you can tell. There is no way for me to tell which variety of hops are there! It was good, but more of your typical ale with a lot of finishing hops. IF they labeled this beer as an IPA, I'd say it tasted a little weak and sweet. But I would prefer this to the last IPA ;-)
I had this beer (and others) with breaded pork chops, potatoes, and green beans. Not bad. I'd do it again.
Stone Brewing: Double Bastard '06 vs. '07
The 06 was noticeably darker in color and smelled more orangey than the 07. Head was about the same between the two. Taste was quite different, the 06 being much fuller and sweeter tasting with hints of raisins vs the 07 which had a more citrusy/hoppy taste with a lighter texture. The 06 also left a heavier lacing on the glass when swirled. Being surrounded by snow when I drank these two the 06 was the drink to relax in front of the fire with and the 07 was the drink to share with good friends after a snowball fight.
Overall, the 06 was the winner for me - aging toned down the sharp notes the Double Bastard typically has and gave it a port like desert beverage texture.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Boundary Bay IPA
Boundary Bay located in Bellingham WA does numerous beers. One of which is an IPA.
This beer is sweet but flowery. Not especially bitter but holds its own. Try it yourself and let me know. Not my favorite from BB, as my favorite has to be their Imperial Oatmeal Stout.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Get your beer on!
The fridge was full...
In the snow drift we have: Double Bastard '06 and '07, Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, Hell Lager, Samuel Smith Imperial Stout, Old Rasbutin and another special beer we didn't get around to drinking (more on that to come).
This message was sent using PIX-FLIX Messaging serviceThursday, January 17, 2008
Auld Acquaintance
Pike Auld Acquaintance Hoppy Holiday Ale
OG 1.052
IBU 32
5.00% Alc
This beer is one of my favorite holiday ales. Its kinda spicy, light, not overly sweet. Like it says on the label, orange peel, coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg. Not one ingredient is over powering and it has a very slight citrus hint. I had it with Speghetti, Garlic Bread, and Caesar Salad. Thought it went well.
I definetly recommend it.
Weekend Beer Geekness
Vertical tasting of Stone's Double Bastard '06 and '07
I've got a bottle of '06 that's been taunting me for too long now, its finally time to drink it. We'll see if aging has made the Bastard tastier, or if its just been taking up space in my beer collection...
First tasting of Dogfishhead World Wide Stout
Been on a stout kick lately, I've heard good things about this one and Dogfishhead has yet to let me down. This beer was surprisingly hard to find - only one case was sent to our county! Fortunately Munkey_1 and I managed to track it down and get a few bottles. I'll let you know if it was worth the hassle.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Getting Started
Name - Description / Notes / Misc.
Munkey EYE.P.A - Hoppy but smooth IPA
IPArter Smooth - IPA + Porter
IPArter #2 - Hoppier IPA + Porter, strong initial hop taste, smooth finish
Coffee Porter
Double Vice - Coffee Porter, Strong coffee taste when fresh, becomes excellent with age
Oak aged Coffee Porter
Tripple Vice - Oak aged Coffee Porter, 6 mo aging recommended-lacks body prior to aging
Oatmeal Stout
Brew Munkey Stout (name pending) - Thick and sweet, Age at least 6 mo.
Sweet Stout
Mocha Cherry Stout (name pending) - Strong roasted/malty stout with a hints of chocolate, coffee & cherry. Benefits from aging.
Double Imperial Stout
Tard Munkey - A little bit of everything, the OMG of Brew Munkey. Requires significant aging and bottle conditioning
Scotch Ale
Brewkakii - Malty peaty goodness, ages well but not required
Circus Amber - Balanced, easy to drink, stronger than most amber's
American Amber
Amberback (name pending) - Extra & different hops, different yeast, almost tasts like a belgin or abby style, dry finish
Old Ale
(name pending) - Strong malt flavor, noticeable alcohol
English Style Barleywine
Blessed Barleywine - (in process) S/B malty carmely with a hint of smoked peatyness and hops. Requires extended aging
(name pending) - Strong malt character, balances out with age
Sweet & Sour Weisenbock - Sweet initial taste, light hop finish, refreshing carbonation, ages well
Light Ale
Summer Ale (better name?!) - Light, hoppy with citris aroma. Best when fresh, mellows significantly with age
M.A.D. (Munkey Attention Disorder) Lager - Light and drinkable. Requires extended lagering - 4 mo. Min