Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Avery: IPA

Normaly I like Avery's brew's, not this time though.

Very nice pour, great color, but not much of a smell, just kinda blah I'm a beer smell. The taste was missing something too, not very IPAish more like a pale ale with a little bit of a hop kicker. Maybe its the northwest hop head getting the better of me... Thin mouthfeel and had a very dry finish. It was drinkable, but just not doing it for me.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Franken N'Stein: Pale Ale and Buckingham Porter

Every now and then I like to check in on this place. It traditionally isn't swell but today it wasn't bad. Besided the recent traditional Boundary Bay they serve, they seem to be trying to pick up on their own home craft beers! Today they served the Ferndale Pale Ale (left) and the Buckingham Porter (right).

The pale ale is a little sweet, decent hop level, and quite drinkable. It's almost an IPA. I'd hate to recommend it...... But I do! It has a medium body, not super flowery but present. Better than Boundary's IPA. For a while there F'n Steins had me worried!

Buckingham Porter... Not the best porter I've had but not terrible. Its a little sweet, little coating, but has a decent porter finish. Next to the Ferndale Pale it's a bit chalky but its welcome. If you are in the are I'd try it for sure.

Deschutes Brewery: Mirror Pond

BREWMUNKEY_A EDIT: Hot Shotz has been having lots of problems with their draft system, I had a Black Butte Porter there that tasted horrible - so bad I sent it back, normally black butte is one of my favorite porters. They mumbled something about "CO2 lines, cough, cough, cleaning, something cough..."

I think Mirror Pond is an excellent pale ale, try it out of a bottle or somewhere other than Hot Shotz.

Yuck. Not a good beer. This one goes right up there with Mac'N Jack African Amber. I haven't done any research on it but they have to have very similar brewing processes.

Its a hint of malt, slight early hop presence, medium body, but I am overwhelmed by the taste of vomit.

If you think this is a good beer, you obviously don't drink good beer. Ask me for a recommendation.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Brew Munkey: Eye.P.A.

Carmel tones, light foamy head, good hop presence, and a great light body on the tongue. I think we've nailed the IPA on the head! This beer is super drinkable, well balanced, and maintains its hoppy character till the end of the glass. One of favorites (and I'm not just saying that cause its Brew Munkey). If you have the chance to swing by and have some I would recommend doing so.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Oaked Arrogant Bastard

Mmmmmmm, beeeeerrrrrrrr. And it came in a 6 pack!

The oaking adds an excellent depth to the Arrogant Bastard. Little bit heavier body, and a slightly milder, sweeter taste. It reminds me of a really good candied apple. I can't really smell the oak, but the color of the beer seems to be a little darker. Definatly give it a try if you're a fan of the origional Arrogant Bastard.