Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Georgetown Brewery: 9lb Porter
Southern Tier Brewing Company: Unearthly Imperial IPA

Kettle Hops
Chinook, Cascade
Hop Back
Styrian Golding
Dry Hop
Cascade, Centenial, Chinook
Lazy Boy Brewery: Irish Amber
Friday, March 27, 2009
Stone Russian Imperial Stout - 2007 VS. 2008
Stone Russian Imperial Stout - 2007 VS. 2008
'07 on the right, '08 on the left.
Both definatly pass our Stout Hole test.
Both excellent beers, I would have a hard time telling them apart, but I did like the '07 better. It smelled syrupier and the extra time the flavors had to blend added to the already excellent taste. I liked the body of the '07 better, slightly smoother and thicker. The head on the '07 was not quite as developed as the '08, but they both stuck around for most of the glass and both had a nice tan tinge. Carbonation was about the same between the two, on the low to moderate side like a good thick stout should be. I was kind of surprised the differences between the "standard" and "vintage" were not as pronounced as our test of '06 VS. '07 Double Bastard.
Now for the disclaimer...High alcohol content (over 10%) coupled with an affinity for stouts probably skewed the results, if we were really trying to be scientifice we would have used smaller "fun size" samplings. But really, who came up with the "fun size" crap anyway?
Bottom line - great stouts, get yourself some and try this experiment for yourself.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Guiness: Stout
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
April Brews Day 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Rogue: Chocolate Stout
Friday, March 6, 2009
Bridgeport Stout
Bridgeport Stout
Stouty goodness - passes the stout hole test. Nothing crazy here, solid stout that covers all it's bases.
de Boomgaard - Tropicale
de Boomgaard - Tropicale
Tastes like sweet fermented mango juice - too sweet and fruity for my taste.