Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Anacortes Brewery: Porter
Anacortes Brewery: Amber
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Deschutes - Mirror Mirror Barleywine
Deschutes - Mirror Mirror
Smells sweet and malty, large head when first poured but disapated quickly. First taste was sweet and dry. Second taste was more of the same and the beer seemed just a little thin. I'm just barely tasting the oak, I also like that the hops aren't dominating like some other barleywines.
Good beer, I think it will be a great beer after a year or so of aging.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Belhaven Scottish Stout
Belhaven Scottish Stout
Had this on tap at the Copper Hog. I thought it was mislabled and I was going to end up with the Belhaven Scottish ale. I was wrong.
Awesome stout! Smooth and stouty with all the goodness of a scottish ale mixed in. I was really happy with it, need to find more.
Port Townsend - Barleywine
Port Townsend - Barleywine
American Style barleywine.
Smells great! First sip is perfect, sweet bitter, thick, just right carbonation. Really liked it! But, the hop flavor starts building and gets a little overpowering and resiny. Aging should blend that nicely into the rest of the beer. Get a bottle if you find one!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Ninkasi:Total Domination IPA

Total domination? I think not. I've been dominated by several beers in the past and this will not be another such case. The hop level isn't quite what you would expect from a "domination" IPA and it has almost a muddy hop flavor. The head poured white, it has a bubbly body, and the body is an off amber with cloudiness. You would expect a beer like this to have a crazy smell to it but this didn't have anything. I wouldn't recommend it. I'll try their other beers just to make sure they don't fail at that. Supposidly the Double Red is good.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Mendocino Brewing Company: White Hawk IPA
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mendocino Brewing Company: Black Eye Ale