So, during a rousing card game we like to play while camping called "Beer!" my buddy and I ran out of bud light. Yes I said bud light. So the other people playing gave us some of their silver bullets... turns out the one on the metric left is the Canadian version and the one on the right is the standard American version.
Believe it or not they did taste different! On to the scoring rounds!
Taste - Medal goes to the Canadians, it tasted just a littly more beery and less like water than the American version. I guess I would describe it as a sweet bread water taste.
Alcohol content - America for the win, 4.2% vs 4.0%. However I think there is a different variant availible in Vegas that is under 4%.
Can coolness factor, or "Bling" - Canadian by a long shot, the American beer didn't even score a medal in this round. The mountains in the top picture and the M looking thing in the bottom picture turn blue when the can is cold, hours of entertainment there! We could not get any part of the American can to change color without resorting to sharpies or fire...
Drinkalotability - American can, it has a vent cast into the widemount opening. The canadian can did not.
At the end of the competition they're both still Coors light, however, given only a choice between these two I would prefer the Canadian Coors light
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