What can I say, I'm on a roll. BrewMunkey_A better get HIS roll on if we want to get our 200 beer review by new years. So, PBR - Light. I will be the first to admit that I have drank the piss out of the regular stuff. The light seems to be a little sweeter than the regular if I remember correctly. I don't have a side by side comparison to do at the moment and it has been a long time since I've had the regular. This lager seems to be a slackin on the drink-alot-ability factor too. I've had a few of these by the time I'm writing this and my opinion hasn't changed. Maybe PBR needs the "thinkness" to keep it's appeal. There really isn't much else to say about this lager. Not that I was expecting too much else but a friend brought an 18 pack over so I had to try it. Tune in later for our AMERICAN LAGER REVIEW!!!
I didn't like the PBR Light, at all.
I saw it at Maple Fuels, on the way up to Mt. Baker, and thought I'd give it a try. Long story short (or rather, short story, shorter) I will not be drinking anymore of it in the near future.
Something about drinking a "light" version of a classic like PBR just doesn't seem right to me. Maybe it's sort of like drinking Coors Original, in that it was just better when it was in the old gold can. Now it's a shade of shitty yellow and has lost it's luster.
Drunk rambling over now, GO!
Calling me out eh?! I think this beer is crap. And I have pabst in the garage fridge. I was surprised to find a difference.
Max, try the canadian coors if you get a chance. See the review on the site.
So there is a difference? I don't think i want to find what it is. I'm so done with this beer. Blah. Coors Light is way better than this crap.
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