Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Avery - Mephistopholies

Avery - Mephistopholies

Starts out innocent enough, tastes like a great stout. Full body, roasy and chocholaty. Can't believe the 16% isn't showing it's head. Great smell, like that walking into a coffe shop aroma, but beery. I'm content, good job Avery!

Wait a minute... The beer is warming up, I'm getting kicked in the face by the alcohol content - the beer got HOT! wow, this is now tasting like stout liquour. Not so sure about how much I like it anymore... Still smells good though! I'm going to have to investigate the rest of the series now... Still not sure what I think of the beer, such a drastic flavor change from cold to warm but definatly and interesting brew.

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