Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gouden Carolus: Grand Cru of the Emperor 2007

This poured nice and heavy. Dark brown clear body with a slight off white head. Initial sip I was overwhelmed by a scent of brandy or red wine. My tongue was then thick with the taste of raisens or prunes. You could chaulk this up as an off imperial stout. The heavy sweetness was laced by the higher abv of 10%. It was listed as a Belgian Ale but had nothing really standoutish other than what I mentioned. Try it out sometime.


BrewMunkey_A said...

You're using "imperial stout" far too liberaly lately ;-). We'll have to get you some more tard munkey so you quit comparing things like scottish ales and grand cru's to imperial stouts. Speaking of... we need to do the vertical tasting of the Stone RIS!

Glad to see you're finally at least trying to catch up to my post count! Kidding!

CheapGeek_1 said...

I will catch up and exceed! Yar! And speaking of RIS (Russian Imperial Stout), when will that happen?