Holy cow this stuff pours nicely! The head is a super dark foam that had a dense top. The pour is viscous and uneventful as it filled my glass. No bubbles or gurgles like I just poured some 5w30 out of it's container. Very impressive for a lager, even impressive if it was a porter! The smell is great and reminds me of every great porter I've had in the past, even mine. The body is just as good! Thick on the tongue and coats my mouth with a thick burnt slighty chocolately deliciousness. Great bitterness too, kinda filled my senses and and stayed there reminding me that there was more in the glass to indulge in. No way this is a porter.
*runs to check label...*
GYO, label says Grow Your Own. They grew the hops and barley? Huh. Who does that? Doesn't seem that they grew ALL the grain but at least one or two of them. They did however grow the hops. What makes this a lager? Hmm. If you EVER see this on the shelf, get it.
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