I tried the one on the right on the forth of July. It's a lambic that’s not blended like most of the other Lindemans products you find at the store. Thanks to Jeff at Du Jour Bistro (http://www.thevinesdujour.com/) for getting me a bottle.
First off, I'd been wanting to try a lambic for quite awhile. I'd had a Flemish Sour Ale I really liked and thought a lambic would be a lot like that. So, before I even tried it, I wanted to like it.
Ok, open the bottle, smells different more like a vinegary winey kinda smell. Pours like a normal beer, looks like an unfiltered light amber. Nothing to out of the ordinary yet… My first sip was… was… just ungodly bitter. Wow, did I just lick a grapefruit? Ok, I still want to like this beer, sip #2 – Its like that first taste of a warhead candy, just pucker your mouth bitterness that doesn’t go away. I put the beer down for a little while, maybe it needs to “breath” like a good wine… Nope. Still wickedly bitter, my mouth now feels like I’m dehydrated and have a serious case of cotton mouth.
Nobody else tried it and I just couldn’t drink it. I still feel a little bad about having to throw a beer that took someone so much time to make. Maybe I’ll try another one someday, but until then pure lambic beers are not for me.
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