Dicks brewery: ipa - good, overly dry hopped, not sweet. That's good. 90ibu
grand teton brewery: bitch creek esb - choclaty, medium body, dark color, I would brew my esb more like this. get yours!
Rogue beer crust pizza: lol, good stuff. Needs more toppings. Tomato sauce with cheese. Blah. It worked.
Lost Coast: Great white - um. Better than pbr? Its lagerish. Very light. No flavor in either the hop or malt variety. Still, better than most american lagers? I think there are some better. One in our crew got this and I tried it, I'm not gonna waste my tickets on this.
stone: levitation ale - mmmm. I like stone. This is more of a light bodied IPA. Its rated at half the IBU as Dicks IPa. What's going on here? Is BrewMunkey_A correct in his IBU rating? It is ppssible. This is a decent IPa. I recommend it. Better than Dicks? I'd say its on par.
Summit Brewery: Extra Pale Ale - hey, not a bad ale. Its got decemt flavor, mediaum/dark body
, good body. I like for what it is

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